Meet Our Pastor

Pastor Brian C. Schexnayder

Born in California, Brian moved to Oklahoma at a young age and grew up attending Southwest Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, where his father was the Music Minister for many years. Brian gained his bachelor’s degree at Baptist Bible College in Springfield, MO and went on to receive his Master’s degree from Heartland Baptist Bible College in Oklahoma City, OK.

For a time, he served as a Youth Pastor and Associate Pastor, while also getting married to the lovely Deidre and adding their first child, Lydia, to the family. Then, in 2009, he came to Bartlesville to accept the pastorate at what is now known as Crossroads Baptist Church. Added blessings Emma and Courtney have since joined the Schexnayder bunch making Brian the odd man out in a house full of females.


A forward thinking pastor, Brian has a vision not only for what he hopes to be achieved within the church, but also what he hopes for the church to achieve in our community. He has a great love for Bartlesville, as if he was one of our own all along. He has been involved in outreach in a variety of ways, such as providing gift wrapping and a luncheon at Christmas for teachers at a local school, being involved with the Warming Center during harsh winters, setting up connections for members to also get involved in the community in Birthright, ARC, and a variety of other opportunities. Brian became the chaplain for the Bartlesville P.D. as well as the Washington County Sheriffs Office, and reaches out into other parts of Washington County as well. He has spent countless hours working alongside our officers supporting them, their families, and the contacts they make out in the community on calls. He initiated Law Enforcement Appreciation Day, also known as L.E.A.D. here in Bartlesville. Not only is it a blessing to our Law Enforcement community, it has been a unification point in the community with many supporters and contributors. It is this heart, love, effort, determination and commitment to our Lord that drives him to serve our church and community with excellence. This is not just what he does. This is who he is. May I encourage you, if you have somehow not met him yet, to come visit us at Crossroads, meet Pastor Brian, and let us introduce you to the God we serve. 

Service times

3333 E. Tuxedo Blvd, Bartlesville, OK

Sunday Morning

Our service begins at 10:45am.

Sunday Evening

You can also join us for our evening services, which start at 4:30pm.

Wednesday Evening

Our mid-week service begins at 6:30 every Wednesday.

baptist church in bartlesville oklahoma


We want you to come and be a part of something special happening at this church in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Please make plans to be our guest sometime. We would be thrilled to have you worship with us. Come and see what God is doing and how you, too, can be a part of Crossroads.


3333 E. Tuxedo Blvd.

Bartlesville, Oklahoma 74006


Crossroads Baptist Church